#MummiesTime with Soh Gail (@gailsgeneration)
by On Off Social Pte Ltd on Apr 27, 2021

#MummiesTime is a series that features mummies from different walks of life, sharing their tips on how to have me-time in this fast-paced society. We also ask them for tips, advices and stories to encourage new mummies on their parenting journey.
This week, we have stylish super mum Soh Gail, who's not only a financial consultant but also the co-founder of @projectweekends, to share with us her experience in balancing her family and career. She's also blessed with a smiley and adorable girl, Sora!
How has being a mum changed your life? What’s the best part about being a mum?
Suddenly it’s no longer about me, no longer about buying things for myself, no longer about what I want. It’s all about her and I put her first in all aspects. The best part of being a mum? When I open the door in the morning and she runs towards me with her arms wide open, saying “mama mama” repeatedly 😂
In this fast paced-society, could you share with us a tip on how you find your “me-time”!
Sleep train your babies, so they go to bed on their own and you can start having your me-time earlier. Haha!
Could you share with us a short snippet of your birth story/stories?
I induced Sora on a Friday afternoon and gave birth to her the next day via natural birth with epidural. She was about 38 weeks 5 days in my tummy then, and came out a healthy 3.41kg.
Which is your favourite teether design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
Favourite teether is definitely the Hello Aloe! Easy to grip and the colours can match clothes easily.
Which is your favourite bib design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
Definitely the Boba series. Sooo cute and relevant for the mama who loves bbt!
Tell us something interesting about your child!
Her name (Sora) means sky in Japanese, and so we named her 天星 for her Chinese name - which means star in the sky. We hope she will always shine brightly in life.
Any piece of advice for new mums/mums-to-be?
Don’t stress about the minute details and instead cherish every moment you have with them when they’re little. They aren’t little for very long!
Want to read more personal stories and tips from our LB mums? Click here now!