Help you and your Little One(s) Sleep Better With Swaddling!
by On Off Social Pte Ltd on May 05, 2021

Swaddling a baby makes him/her feel comfortable and cozy as if he/she was in her mother’s womb. The simple act of wrapping up your baby is actually super beneficial in not only helping your baby relax, but also giving you a few extra winks at night too!
What is swaddling?
Swaddling is the act of wrapping a baby’s limbs and body in a blanket such that only her head is exposed. This is a type of motor restraint which mimics how she would feel in her mother’s womb, helping her feel safe and secure. Also, this is how you wrap your baby up into a cute little burrito! 🤱🏼
When can I stop swaddling?
If you are reading this, you are probably a new parent or one to be. Upon delivery, nurses at the hospital will often teach you how to swaddle your baby the right way. According to experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics, you can stop swaddling once her motor skills develop and are able to roll at about 2 months old.
Benefits of Swaddling
Why swaddle a baby, you may ask? Well, infants under the age of 6 months can be easily startled by sudden movements or loud noises. Swaddling restricts their movement, reducing the occurrence of such startle reflexes. This also gives them a soothing and cozy environment, which mimics that of a womb, helping to relax and sleep soundly for longer periods.
Being able to sleep better may in turn help to reduce bed sharing with parents as well. Sleeping on adult beds can be detrimental to a baby’s posture, and there is also a risk that parents may accidentally roll onto their babies.
As swaddled babies feel more comfortable, they are less likely to cry and this greatly improves the well-being of their parents. Breastfeeding a crying baby can be a painful (literally) and traumatic experience. Dealing with a calm and relaxed baby will also be much easier, and this will boost the confidence of mothers to continue! 💪🏼
Is it Safe to Swaddle?
As with all parenting methods, there are always risks and benefits. However, swaddling can definitely be made safer by doing it properly and monitoring closely. It is important to place your swaddled babies on their backs and keep a careful watch on them when they sleep. Accidental suffocation may occur if they roll onto their stomachs or get caught in any loose cloth in their cot.
Using a swaddle made of synthetic materials may cause your baby to overheat. It is crucial to use good quality breathable organic materials like muslin or bamboo cotton blends. This ensures good airflow, which prevents heat rashes, and that your baby stays comfortable inside her little burrito 🌯
The Little Bearnie team makes some of the best baby swaddles with quality materials! One of our newest and most popular swaddles T-Rex Dino Swaddle/Baby Blanket is made of a 70/30 bamboo and eco-friendly organic cotton blend. It is soft, lightweight and breathable, machine washable, and it also comes with cute dinosaur prints in pastel green!
Check out our range of high-quality baby products and be pleasantly surprised! 😊😊
If you are a first-timer mum and struggling to have your me-time, hit the link here to read about our LB mum's experience now.
Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash