Due to the overwhelming response, #MummiesTime will be a bi-weekly sharing session for all you lovely mummies out there. This week, we have beautiful mama Min Min, to share her own experiences. She's working in a bank and blessed with an adorable daughter, who's currently 20-months-old.
How has being a mum changed your life? What’s the best part about being a mum?
To start with, the burdened boobs that I have to deal with every 3 hours. Otherwise, it feels as if you are carrying 2 rocks in front of you!😂
The best thing is knowing that your child needs you, and that you're her everything. (At least for now hahaha)
In this fast paced-society, could you share with us a tip on how you find your “me-time”!
By ensuring that baby J has a routine of sleeping by 8-9 PM. This is so that I’ll be able to have my “me-time" after she sleeps every day!
Once in a while, I will give myself a day off to chill with friends while my hubby takes care of baby J.
Could you share with us a short snippet of your birth story/stories?
I always wanted a C-section even before I was pregnant because my threshold for pain is zero. I can’t imagine how painful labour contractions and the pain during childbirth would be. However, my gynaecologist, who was for natural birth, tried
to persuade me to change my mind even up till I was at 39 weeks. But, Baby J had no signs of being engaged. I guess it was fate!
On the 12th June, all I remembered was being wheeled into the room, hearing my anaesthetist enter as she chatted with my gynaecologist... The next moment when I heard my name, it felt as if a truck just went over my abdomen area.
I was wheeled back into the ward and I remember asking everyone where baby J was. All I wanted was to see her. Apparently, she didn’t cry when she came out (probably took in a little of my GA) so she had to be kept under observation in the ICU till 4 PM before I finally held her in my arms. I had to make do with the images my hubs & mum took of baby J and in disbelief that she’s my baby. It was the longest 6 hours wait ever.
Which is your favourite teether design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
Gem Biscuit teether! It brings back that nostalgic feeling of having gem biscuits when I was little. Baby J can have them too but in a teether form while I have the real deal... heh. It’s in the perfect size to grab too!
Which is your favourite bib design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
I love the Rainbow bib because life is full of rainbows and I want baby J to know that! Also, I like the neutral hues of the bib!
Tell us something interesting about your child/children!
She pushed herself up (tummy time) at 2 weeks old and she sleeps faced-down without a swaddle since 1 month old.
Any piece of advice for new mums/mums-to-be?
Just be yourself and don’t compare yourself with others because everyone is different. Don’t be shy to ask for help from your partner & families! I mean as first-time mums, it’s natural to need help and learn on the way right?
Everyone needs a break once in a while, so don’t be afraid to ask for that little breather if it makes u happy! Stay positive & this journey will be a beautiful one 😊
New mummies/mummies-to-be, teething can be a long journey so click here to read more about your child's teething milestones now!