#MummiesTime is a series that features mummies from different walks of life, sharing their tips on how to have me-time in this fast-paced society. We also ask them for tips, advices and stories to encourage new mummies on their parenting journey.
To kickstart May with a bang, we have amazing stay-at-home mum, Corrina, to share her experiences with her 2 adorable and lively boys - Kayden and Kaysen!
How has being a mum changed your life? What’s the best part about being a mum?
Being a mum changed my whole life. I didn’t know I could be a superwoman until I became a mum 😂 I could continue to take care of them and cater to their needs even if I was sick. And the best part? They made me a better person, they taught me how selfless I could be and how I could love someone (them) so wholeheartedly. 🥰
In this fast paced-society, could you share with us a tip on how you find your “me-time”!
My “me-time” is actually after their bedtime 😂 or when they were napping. I rarely have much “me-time” since I’m a stay-at-home mum (SAHM). I try to do something I like for an hour after their bedtime or I will appreciate sleeping with them instead. (Sleep is precious after being a mum 😂)
Could you share with us a short snippet of your birth story/stories?
Birth stories:
Both Korkor and Didi were induced. Korkor was baked till almost 40weeks while Didi was baked up to almost 39weeks. Korkor was asked to induced by the doctor as he was over-baked in the belly while Didi was requested by me to be induced as he was too heavy for me to function properly!
Korkor took only 12 hours plus to came to this world from the moment induction pill was inserted while Didi took 18 hours plus. 😅
Psst... here's the catch.. Both of them were born on the 29th, but different month different year.. 🥰 They are only 2 years and 1 month apart.
Kayden - 29 June 2018
Kaysen - 29 July 2020
Which is your favourite teether design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
My personal favourite teether design is no longer listed on the website! It’s actually the first ever teether I got for Kayden from Little Bearnie (that was when I found out about Little Bearnie and stuck to it till now), it’s actually the little puppy with his customized name on it! If you ask me about the listed ones? There are so many of them which are my "favourite". I can’t decide 😂 I think it’s the Cute Cute Watermelon ... oh wait, or maybe the Gem Biscuit one 🤭
What I love about their teether is that they are made of food grade silicones material, 100% safe for babies and will not chip off easily and cause babies to swallow the tiny parts. The colours are very vibrant and each teether have their unique textures to bite on.
Which is your favourite bib design from our Little Bearnie’ collection? What do you love about it?
Favourite bib design must be the boba for now! I’m quite a fan of bbt and I can't resist the cute looking prints on the bib.
Tell us something interesting about your child/children!
My kids are really cheeky and playful in their own ways. They are both really very talkative despite their young age and they are not shy at all! They will smile or wave at you and say hi (korkor) without any hesitation! 😂
Any piece of advice for new mums/mums-to-be?
Be the mum you want to be! You do it your style! 😉 There will be everyone telling you what to do and you may not like it, so just do it your own ways, the way you like it. You will be happier that way. Happy mama = Happy baby 🤗
Teething is part and parcel of your baby's milestone journey. It's inevitable to face some issues, but don't worry, here are some tips from us to get you started!